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noob wants to add a sequencer to a yamaha dd-5

Started by sean1978, December 22, 2010, 05:30:05 PM

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Greetings. I have been an electronics technician for over 10 years and have been wanting to do something like this for a while. I have not modified any instruments yet.

I have a yamaha DD-5 and would like to add an 8 or 16 step sequencer to it as my first modification. I saw that GetLoFi sells a kit and it seems to be the way to go, unless anyone here has a better reccomendation?

I also have been looking, but am unable to find a circuit diagram or schematice for this unit. Found several dead links after spending a few hours on google. Anyone have suggestions as far as that goes?


- Sean


The 'baby 10' is the simplest sequencer schematic.


Manufactured Zero has added sequencers to some of the DD series. Check them out on Youtube.


Good luck.



Haven't been on here for ages but came on yesterday and thought i'd get back into it a bit more again. Life turned to total cack for a bit so i just couldn't be arsed with any of it. I have since cheered up somewhat and have been busy in the modders R&D department while not cranking out mad stuff for other people.

Anyway, if you want some info then i'm happy to share some. My sequencing is pretty much the same formula as the get-lofi circuit. I used to use individual transistors for the gating (you have to gate it if you wish to trigger the same drum over adjacent steps) but other than on the dd6 this caused loads of problems with mis-triggering etc. I'd guess due to minor differences in each transistor. Using a transistor array as on the get-lofi circuit is much easier. It's a simple one to knock up onto veroboard with the 555 included to drive it all. I don't have a schematic for vero at hand but i do have a box of these gated sequencers i built a little while ago down the shed so can easily sort one out for you if you need it.

Just before i jacked it all in i got into pic-basic and microcontrollers. Fun and very rewarding when you put the time in. I got an 8 step sequencer running using a small pic. It had basic rate and step controls but i never took it much further. I became obsessed with all things filters and pcb making in a quest to make something crap like the casio MT sound vaguely like a real analogue synth. It worked but my microcontroller psycosis got put on the backburner.. I'll pick it up again at some point and see if i can get it all running with an lcd/keypad type interface for programming patterns. Would be very cool if i can as bent dd5,6,7&8's with the basic luxuries of something programmable like the 505 would be very cool.

Still, if you want some DD-5 info and where to stick things kind of help then let me know and i'll dig one out and make some notes for you...


(M-Z3R0) - (as you probably guessed)..............


Ha, I've just been singing the praises of your DD5 mod on a different thread, Zero. As I wrote there, I've been meaning to have a go at mine for some time so I'd be interested in any interesting hints/tips you may have, and if you do have a spare ready-made gated sequencer in the shed, well that could be cool too.... (pm me about the sequencer if you do have some up for sale).


I'll be down there on the weekend working on stuff so i'll wire up a sequencer, test it and get back to you. i'll print off how to wire it in and how to wire up the sockets which you use to act as the 'programmer'..

It's all fairly straight forward. Making the front panel can be a chore but i can do one for you if you want. I'll pm you when i've got it sorted out.


I'm exiting the forum. it's too much like hard work for various reasons.

Contact me on youtube and i'll give you all the help you need in getting your DD5 sequenced.



isn't that the second time you've become a member of this forum, made a few posts and helped some people out, and the left again in about a month?  ::)

It is actually  possible to be a member of this forum without actually posting anything or replying to anything. Continually posting stuff or replying to posts is not a requirement of membership. I'm sure everyone here appreciates your contribution but nobody is forcing you to do anything.

I'm confused  :-\
i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool