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New jam from today.

Started by noiseybeast, January 25, 2011, 08:43:24 AM

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We used a modded Electribe ER-1 as a gate, korg polysix, bass, guitar, and vocals.

Neat thing is that all of the gear I used to record this on has been repaired or modded by me.


Let me know if anybody digs it.



Thanks!  I really love how the bass sounds played through the modded Electribe.   The polysix, not as much.


i like it , keep up the good (tenebrous) vibe  and make more of that stuff , please .
if its not broken , brake it


Someone asked how this song was made,  thought I'd mirror it here.

The piece was really based around my pitch modded ER-1 acting as a drum machine/gate/bit crusher for :
Korg Polysix into the ER-1 then close mic'd with a Shure SM-58 micing a TINY Silvertone bass amp
Fenderish guitar going through an ElectroHarmonix Germanium OD (same micing situation)
Weird short scale bass direct in to ER-1  (same mic situation)

We had a moving blanket thrown over the amp after putting the mic really close at a decent angle. My dog then lay on top of the blanket.

For vocals I had a matched pair of overhead (drum) mics pointing roughly at us.  We did some whistling tracks, some clapping tracks and then I dropped vocals I had recorded when we were talking after recording.  I'm the louder person.

Everything went into my Alesis IO-26 FW interface then into my Macbook Pro and then Logic.  Logic recorded the midi data and then we overdubbed from the various instruments into the ER-1 which was midi clocked to Logic.  Doing it that way meant that the gate would open and close at the same time and I could make the drums sound thick because they were different pitches at different points during the overdub.

For mixing, I only added delay to the vocals and cleaned up the EQ on the various tracks.  I then used a bit of compression and some automation for volume levels and a bit of pan control.   I stayed away from using any reverb or delay in Logic for the main mixdown. I wanted this to sound rough and liveish.

Track count: 

ER-1 + Bass
ER-1 + Guitar
ER-1 + Polysix
2-3x    ER-1 solo

4x vocals.

Tenebrous.  Nice word!

BTW, we're trying to do more for the RPM challenge.


sounds like a good experiment-good to do things abit differently-i've given you some karma cause i dont think its fair your sitting at a negative!


Thanks for the karma.  I earned it by getting pissed at SCAT's trolling and so I engaged in a bit of troll baiting.  Worked out in the end though.


think you've probably done your time by now  :)


Thanks!  I am now worth more than less than zero!


I'd like to dig it but the links gone....
sounds an cool though'

I was also interested to hear you'd modded an ER 1.

I use mine a lot to gate my homemade oscilators.

I just wondered what mods you'd done to it?


the only mod you can really do to the electribes are the ltc pitch mod as far as i know they are pretty much unbendable apart from that, i think thats the mods he referring to.





couldn't find anyhitng about that online

I guess it extends/changes the pitch pot somehow?

Is it easy/worth it do you think? I do have an unnecessary urge to mod/bend everything possible but my ER1 os probably my most expensive bit of kit!


Quote from: boneless on March 21, 2011, 05:12:56 PM

couldn't find anyhitng about that online

I guess it extends/changes the pitch pot somehow?

Is it easy/worth it do you think? I do have an unnecessary urge to mod/bend everything possible but my ER1 os probably my most expensive bit of kit!

just found the er1 thread....might have to try that crystal mod



Hi, sorry I haven't been on the site in while.  I've update the link, it should work now.


It's a fairly easy mod to do.  I've had great success with every piece of gear I've put one in.