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Korg Monotron

Started by kriminal, August 02, 2010, 07:44:11 PM

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yeah, the bass hardly comes through the tiny speaker...but, who cares! this thing sounds HUGE when plugged into an amp or mixer!

i've been filtering other things, and it sounds sweet! i have a zoom drum machine, and i filtered a drum track. it sounded nice and dirty! especially when the resonance cuts through!

the stylophone sounds good through it too! i am seriously thinking of building the stylophone and monotron into one box with real keys!

even if not a recent developement, it was nice of korg to label their pcbs!
"gravity...it's what's for dinner!"


Did you notice how easy the filter would be to clone?  Pretty easy...
If at first you don't succeed, stick it through a fuzzbox.


yeah, lowpass filters only have a few components...
"gravity...it's what's for dinner!"


heres a pic of my modded monotron with a bicycle led blinker used to
change pitch


unless i am mistaken, the major difference between the monotron and the gakken is the gakken has a stylus and plate, the monotron has the ribbon/ the gakken sh0uld be even easier than a stylophone to add a real keyboard to, the monotron, not so sure...the gakken (like a stylophone), i assume the stylus is common, and the plate is positive, right? if that is all there is to it, a keyboard would be easy to apply. but how do i do this to the ribbon? i tried a resistor ladder on an oscillator i built and i could not get the notes in the right pitch...
"gravity...it's what's for dinner!"