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LDR audio mixer

Started by Dj Task Manager, February 15, 2014, 05:27:45 PM

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Dj Task Manager

Hello folks,

Im after a schematic for a mixer that uses LDRs to fade levels.  I've tried a couple of passive configurations but cant get it to fade all the way down to silence (I have various LDRs, in the lighting situation in my application 5516 ones  swing between 5k ish and 1.5m).  Just putting a 5549 one inline with the audio source works quite well but also wont fade to silence.  I am after the simplest possible solution that has a relatively linear response and goes all the way down to silence.

If anyone has any ideas I wold be very grateful!



Dj Task Manager

unless anyone has any bright ideas i might try this to trim the quiet audio off the bottom http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UYrXnLyhdm4/UwCuuNLZ2eI/AAAAAAAAAXE/XlOj4inLA1E/s1600/4016+gate.png

--- I tried this and it turns out you cant just trigger a 4016 with an audio signal :-(