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anyone ever had experience with a bontempi

Started by manmanly, August 25, 2006, 02:48:19 PM

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we have a system 5 666 from this maker and are bending it though it is a bit strange. anyone know where to find a schematic for this. already tried the usual routes? thanks


I tried twiddling a 666 system 5 keyboarda while ago. i'm afraid to say it was a very limited bender.

i did find a 'deep' crash similar to the casio 'sa' series one but the keyboard would crash to silence more often than make beautiful music. quite spectacular when it happened but unfortunately it seemed to kill the synth after a few crashes. dead. fried. rip. 666. so watch out you don't kill yours.

sorry, i'm not able to be more helpful.


If you can find that deep bend, like on the Casio SA series, you should really add a resistor in between one of the points and the pushbutton. This will give it a softer bend. I did this with my SA-2 and I like it a lot better now. It doesn't crash anymore, and i get more useful craziness out of it.


the problem with the deep crash on the 666 was that it wouldn't perform everytime like an 'sa' would. a resistor is a nice idea in theory (i do all my searching for bends with a pot between the probes so i know where you're coming from) but it would not have worked in this case....