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bitten by the bug

Started by volg4, April 04, 2009, 11:25:24 PM

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hey guys, great forum

ive been making music/experimenting with sound stuff for a while now and did some simple bending on a s&s and tr505 a while back... im a complete novice when it comes to understanding electronic circuits and schematics, mostly hit and hope = great fun

got my freebass and md16 modded by circuitbenders.co.uk too .....cool stuff   :o  ;D

now ive started on a couple of fab echo delay pedals, again pretty easy mods and feel that my ideas are really above my knowledge and ability..  i hope i can ask questions about things here and maybe contribute some ideas or eventually designs

my plan is to have two of the modded echo boxes in one case,with a patchbay to allow separate ins/outs, or feed one delay into the other (or a mixture?) - not too sure how to do go about this, can i just use switches and pots?

theres a mix amount, rate and repeat for each delay, could i switch the control of delay2 to the controls for delay1...

i built a breadboard lfo _(instructions linked in the speak and spell lfo thread)_ and want to add it to the delay pedals
rate (saw a video of this) - ideally i want to have it patchable to any 'parameter' of either delay - not got a clue how/if this would work - if it works is it possible to split the lfo signal? and then 'divide' the rate of the splits by  2 or 4 (switch) or a pot?  what about another lfo? what about power? can i run this from one square 9v battery?   ive mucked about with synthedit on the pc, and just adding oscillators and lfo's, copy, paste, save....

this is a kinda strange yet satisfying feeling...   8) 

ebay sold me a synsonics drum machine, i think ill try some trigger outs on the 505...