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Swedish circuit bending workshop!

Started by MagpieIndustries, March 27, 2008, 11:16:59 AM

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Hej circuit benders!
It is that time of the year again! The Norrköping Circuit Bent Workshop will be held on april 5 and 6, this year in the city library (tee hee hee) Two days of circuit bending madness, followed by an afternoon in a professional recording studio where we have the opportunity to record a live album! Workshops, open mic, weirdness and general geekery await

It's recommended to bring your own toys, but we have a collection of things for sale also, including some amazing circuit bending goodies such as speak and spells, talking teachers, touch and tells and more!

The workshops and studio time is free, and we'll give you the tools and components required to turn your boring old electronics into crazy noise machines

Contact me to reserve your place ASAP!!

Check out the website  for more info!


i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool


Damn, thats just too far for me to travel.. If you held it in Göteborg, then there would be some action... BTW, I live in Århus, Denmark..


Could anyone suggest a good circuit bender/tutor for a UK event? I'm wondering who might be the Benders Bender ( I programme a venue too :-) )


Here's a reportage by some swedish televivion channel on this event:

And just from the studio (No voiceover  ;))

Btw. The videos are pop-ups so you might need to allow acces first..