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CD40106 chip

Started by computer at sea, June 29, 2008, 05:03:37 PM

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computer at sea

Here's a link to a video of a circuit I made using a CD40106 and a handful of caps pots and resistors



hey, good work you done there ! was it your own design ?
i also like the panasonic compu voice, very cool !

computer at sea

Thanks.  I got the general shape of the device from the excellent Nicholas Collins book and then fussed with the values of the caps and pots until I got what I was looking for.  The voltage drop knob was my own addition, and it turns out to be the part of the whole design that really makes it work.  Lower voltage= slower oscillation, and with 6 oscillators slowed way down you get some nice serial blips.
The Panasonic Compuvoice is just bent, chopped down, and complimented with the LFO circuit from this board.


if you're willing to share your schematics with the world, I for one would be grateful!
Book casing is genius!

computer at sea

Absolutely.  I've actually been meaning to post them for a bit, as there's a problem that I'm sure someone more savvy than myself might know about.  Every so often the voltage drop knob only works for about 1/3 of a turn (towards the top end of the voltage) and the caps need to be discharged.  This happens about once a month for me. 

Anyway, I'm headed out of town for a few days and will try to get something up when I get back. 

Thanks for your interest!


Awesome! No rush take it easy but I really like these quickie build-it-in-a-couple-of-hours projects. I have a spare 40106 somewhere too... Is that a good book are there a lot of schematixz in it?
The caps thing is weird... hmm?

computer at sea

Do yourself a huge favor and pick up a copy of Handmade Electronics.  There's something excitng/inspiring every few pages.  As it is pitched towards beginners, there are breadboard walktrhoughs rather than schematics, but there's plenty of them to be had and the projects are pretty good.


Funny that you should say that, I've been reading reviews about it wondering if I should buy it.
I did get the impression it is good. Thanx 4 the headz up!

Edit: Nothing but rave reviews everywhere, just ordered it.
Did anybody read "Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers"?
I am also interested in building MIDI controllers.


That's excellent work :)

I got that book too... It's excellent, unfortunately, i haven't had the time to build anything yet!



I started reading it today it's bloody awesome after only 16 pages I already had a ton of ideas for new projects!

computer at sea

Yeah.  It's a pretty damn inspiring book from front to back.