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TR-606 triggering circuit bent instruments

Started by Gleix, March 28, 2009, 02:01:34 AM

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I'm sure most people here are familiar with Hing Hon EK-001's by now.  I'd love to set up a small little drum box with trigger inputs for the kick, snare hihat and cowbell sounds for use with my TR-606.

Thing is, when triggering the sounds there's a very very slight delay in the sound triggering.  I added a diode which keeps it triggering the sounds with stability, but there's just the slightest lag which is apparent when triggering the Hing Hon drums in a faster rhythm. 

Is that just a natural lag between the 606 and anything it triggers or is there a way to make it more synced up?

*on a side note, turning the volume knob up on the 606 causes a little static sound.  Would a new pot fix that problem?


i've had this problem too. i've noticed that when you tune the pitch up it helps with the retriggerability but then your drum sounds are higher. i think that the drum samples want to do their whole thing before they're retriggered. one option might be to run your cv to  a one shot flip flop that triggers the drum sound at high and resets the sound at low, but then this might make the drum samples shorter. you would probably have to adjust the duty cycle. this is all just an idea though, i've never tried. i dont even know if you could reset the drum sound.  i've always just sampled the sounds and triggered them through the sampler....or.....you could maybe build a circuit to trigger 2 ek001's? so like the first pulse goes to "bass drum1" and the second pulse goes to "bass drum2" and so on?....i dont know, sorry if im not making any sense. good luck though


Go have a chat with Kaseo on utube.. He's the guy with all the pikachus.. He has a coupke vid's triggering Circle Drums with TR-606's... Maybe he's doing something special ?


Just a thought, but are you triggering the drums the right way round?

A pulse has two sides, the rising edge and the falling edge.  If your circuit-bent keyboard is triggering on the *falling* edge then it's going to be about half a step behind the 606.  You might want to check that.

Not having a 606 to play with (bah.  Even a non-runner might well do) this is entering the realms of conjecture, but if the 606 holds a trigger line high and then pulls it low to trigger the sound, and the Hing Hon is expecting a rising edge to trigger then you'll get a delay like that.  Or, maybe it's the other way round and the Hing Hon needs a line grounded but the 606 pulls the trigger high.  Anyway, maybe an inverter would do it.
If at first you don't succeed, stick it through a fuzzbox.