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keeping things together...batteries, power, etc.

Started by jamiewoody, December 15, 2009, 05:39:20 PM

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as workspaces have been disgussed, allow me to share some of my struggles.

i am finding it hard to freely explore bends, simply because the frustration kills it. my frustration often comes from simply holding the box in place or keeping batteries in tact.

i have thought of purchasing misc power supplies, or a varriable power supply. suggestions? i almost felt violated when visiting radioshack and seeing the power supply is around $20, and the end which fits the device is around $7!!! ouch! can these sort of things still be scored at walmart? is there a good online source?

also, i think i have it straight, higher milliamps than the device requires, and matched voltage...right?

so, what is a practical work space layout? how do you get "jiggy with it" simply so you can start working?

would you share photos of workspaces?
"gravity...it's what's for dinner!"


Spend the money on a *good* variable power supply, properly regulated - not one of these ones with the switch and the tapped transformer (they're shite).

It won't be cheap.  Your best bet is to keep checking eBay for old Farnell, Thandar or Weir power supplies (or any other make, really) that are adjustable and have some sort of meter on them.  Even better if they have split supplies so you can use them to power opamp circuits easily.  Spend the money *now* and have a really good PSU that will last a long time.

Remember kids - buy cheap, buy twice.
If at first you don't succeed, stick it through a fuzzbox.


Electrical tapes solves all of my problems :) but I do have a regulated supply on my future shopping list, they have them in the lab in uni, well handy - you need to resist the urge to crank the voltage though - i have blown up a few too many prototypes doing such...
yum, plastic sinewaves