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Started by strssmmnt, March 05, 2010, 01:34:13 AM

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Does anybody know if the battery in an sr-16 has anything to do with the sound disappearing? I have one that worked just fine and the next time I turned it on the sound was gone... I can see that it runs perfectly... you can press play and see that the beat is turned on (counting measures and so on) but there is no sound out... and it's not the cables or anything... I've tried many different ones... frustrating! :o


Try doing a factory reset.  I can't remember exactly how you do it, but it's in the manual.  Hold down something like RECORD and DELETE while turning on the power.
If at first you don't succeed, stick it through a fuzzbox.


ok! I'll try to find that... If it works I'm a happy man!

computer at sea

The SR-16 is a frustrating machine.

Once you bend it past a certain point it becomes very very noisy and the noise grows over time.  I've been using one in my live setup for a couple of years and the hiss and hum is so loud now that I rarely use it, and when I do I have the mid and high rolled all the way back on the channel of the board that it goes through.

Rough machine.  I'd say, if it comes back to life, bend it and sample it right away.


multicore shielded cable is the way to go, and route it away from the PCM54 DAC
i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool