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SCAT has a serious mental problem.

Started by noiseybeast, October 24, 2010, 09:06:33 PM

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Just got this PM from Arron.  Good example of how professional and classy they are.

Quote from: arron on October 24, 2010, 07:48:44 PM
  YOU are some kind of CUNT, you can not even string a sentence together. We, the two of us is based on what is jointly an opinion. I am posting as Arron, as that is my new user name, I was banned from the site as S-CAT. We both, the two of us and my friend from the fucking grave have reviewed who your "God is" and have decided that we shall be haunting you until your FUCKING FAT CUNTING SHIT BAG OF A HUMAN BODY HAS ROTTED WITH THE RATS FROM THE DEVILS OWN CESS PIT. WE SHALL FOLLOW YOU IN THE DARK AND SHIT IN YOUR FACE EVERY TIME YOU RELEASE A FUCKING BREATH. YOU CUNT OF A WANK BUCKET MIXTURE. NOW FUCK OF BEFORE I DECIDE THAT I DONT LIKE YOU, WE THINK, THE TWO OF US AND THE FRIEND FROM THE GRAVE.



Oh, and he'd been posting barely english idiotic critiques on my youtube page.  Not a big deal as it's easy to block and report there, but a heads up.


Quote from: noiseybeast on October 24, 2010, 09:22:43 PM
Oh, and he'd been posting barely english idiotic critiques on my youtube page.  Not a big deal as it's easy to block and report there, but a heads up.

I would imagine that your PM's would make a good read, but I would not dissrespect you in that way and post them on the site. The idea of a PM is PRIVATE MESSAGE, in my opinion, you should be banned for posting the previous message from me.


 I have deleted the PM that was sent to you before I had read this post ,(the long winded one)perhaps you would be kind enough to paste it up for me.

There's a good chap!


Quote from: noiseybeast on October 24, 2010, 09:06:33 PM
Good example of how professional and classy they are.

Dear Sir,

  You have now been reported for abuse to the admin team @ CB, lets hope that they agree with what I have to say about your messages and the issue at hand.

Arron Courts

Space-Cat Audio Technologies


ok children, nobody on here needs to read this shit, nobody here cares about your childish personal squabbles. I deleted your initial squabble in the 'overpriced ebay machines' thread as i could see this coming a mile off.

Arron - when i inevitably get complaints about you at a rate of at about once a week i usually tell people to just ignore you and not to get involved because otherwise you're going to end up derailing every single thread you're involved in. I've resisted banning you again up until now because for some reason i've been trying to give you a chance, but theres absolutely no way i'm going to put up with anyone being sent messages as offensive as that either in public or in private. If thats the kind of person you really are then you are definately not wanted here, and the fact that Noiseybeast foolishly chose to air this in public doesn't change the fact that you've been actually sending him messages like that. That kind of behaviour is in my opinion, totally pathetic for a grown man and it won't be tolerated on this forum.

Noiseybeast - I am not going to put up with this kind of public squabbling. I don't care who is in the right or wrong here and i'm not going waste time acting as some kind of conciliation service. Even private messages as psychotic as Arrons are still private messages and if you want to squabble with him you should know better than to do it in public. The private messages you sent him may not be as unhinged as his replies but they are still very inappropriate  This kind of shit doesn't do anyone any favours and is going to actively put people off from joining or contributing to the forum, but you wanted to do it in public so here we are.

You've both reported each other several times, you've both been squabbling in public, you've both been continually giving each other negative karma like it actually matters, You're both going to get a temporary ban. You can try to sign in to find out how long this is going to be for.
i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool


Quote from: Circuitbenders on October 25, 2010, 02:00:24 AM

Arron - when i inevitably get complaints about you at a rate of at about once a week i usually tell people to just ignore you and not to get involved because otherwise you're going to end up derailing every single thread you're involved in.

Did they say what the complaints were about? Perhaps they had left a message that I responded to in a way that was fit. Or are they just complaining for the sake of it?


Ok, so you've just earned yourself yet another permanent ban rather than the temporary one you did have. It appears to be completely incomprehensible to you that if you've been banned under any or all of your other accounts, that doesn't mean you should do your best to somehow find a way back onto the forum. This isn't some kind of stupid challenge. By the way, i can actually see how many attempts you've made to get back on here and sign up with new accounts etc over the past week or so

You could have just left it alone and waited for your temporary ban to expire but for some reason you seem to think that the rules don't apply to you. Heres a tip for using the internet: its a big place and you are no more important than anyone else. You won't get any respect unless you earn it.

You've been banned, just deal with it and go away.

i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool


i have a mental problem too...but i keep it because it matches my eyes...
"gravity...it's what's for dinner!"


Quote from: Circuitbenders on October 25, 2010, 02:00:24 AM
Noiseybeast - I am not going to put up with this kind of public squabbling. I don't care who is in the right or wrong here and i'm not going waste time acting as some kind of conciliation service. Even private messages as psychotic as Arrons are still private messages and if you want to squabble with him you should know better than to do it in public. The private messages you sent him may not be as unhinged as his replies but they are still very inappropriate  This kind of shit doesn't do anyone any favours and is going to actively put people off from joining or contributing to the forum, but you wanted to do it in public so here we are.

I agree completely, and want to apologize in public as this started in public.  I've got a bit of a temper when it comes to being trolled and I acted irrationally.  This is not a way to generate a good name for myself or my projects.  Terribly sorry.

One thing I'd like to mention though:

Quote from: Circuitbenders on October 25, 2010, 02:00:24 AM
You've both reported each other several times, you've both been squabbling in public, you've both been continually giving each other negative karma like it actually matters,

I'm not a karma whore, but I knew that karma downvoting him would get his goat.   I was troll baiting, which is wrong but not as wrong as playing a power game with irrelevant stuff like that. 

Neither will happen again. 

Apologies to everyone on the forum.


think we have all moved on , SCAT is banned permanently due to his inability to accept a simple ban, i hope so anyway as he has brought nothing but misery to all around here (do correct me if i'm wrong).  You on the other hand have brought some good chat to the table and have learned your lesson so yeah dont worry about it.  It's good to have abit of normality again round here with out scats attitude clouding the place, just good to remember this is a public domain and anything you say on here, sticks.  If someone trys to troll you let Paul sort it out he is the moderator and i'm sure he would rather that than it just spiral out of control. 


i hope so anyway as he has brought nothing but misery to all around here (do correct me if i'm wrong).

I thought he had some comedy value...
If at first you don't succeed, stick it through a fuzzbox.


shame he didn't seem to see it that way  ;)
i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool


there was an element of humour there but i'd rather be watching Frankie Boyle for a laugh than listening to scat having a nervous breakdown online and pushing others the same way.   Funnily enough whilst i was trawling the archives at Zoinky manor there was a very interesting email from scat there, the first one he posted to the circuitbenders yahoo website back in 2008 when all the original trouble with scat flared up.  Have a gander, here it is makes very interesting reading-just like his brag that he has been "jumping wires" in the casio VL since 1981 (yeah thats 29 years!!!).  Maybe we should let him back in seeing as he is one of the pioneers of circuit bending  ;D lol 

How to get banned from a circuit bending user group...

1. Tell everyone what you do and tell them that you are very good at

2. Tell them that you have achieved something that others have said
not be done.

3. When you get asked to tell them how you did it, refuse and keep
ideas for yourself.

4. Take a look at the profile of the people that run the group and
quote back to them their own opinions.

5. Then have fun writing back to them, as humour is very hard for
others to understand when they are being defensive.

6. Watch them rant and rave about you and tell you what you are doing

7. Write a message that repeats everything that you have just said
add quotes from the replies that you have been getting.

8. Send a private message to the moderator and tell them how you see

9. You will now be banned!

THE BENEFITS = You will be talked about on the site and create such a
good promotional stir for your product. It worked for S-CAT, we sell
circuit bent machines on ebay and have lots of videos on Youtube.

Why not take a look and make your own mind up?


How to get banned from a circuit bending user group...

1. Tell everyone what you do and tell them that you are very good at it.

Aw, bugger.

2. Tell them that you have achieved something that others have said can not be done.

Really?  Aw, bugger.

3. When you get asked to tell them how you did it, refuse and keep your ideas for yourself.

Phew, glad I don't do that... much.

4. Take a look at the profile of the people that run the group and quote back to them their own opinions.

Naw, don't think I did that

5. Then have fun writing back to them, as humour is very hard for others to understand when they are being defensive.

Well that's just basic Introductory Trolling, everyone knows how to do that.

6. Watch them rant and rave about you and tell you what you are doing wrong.

I get that all the time

7. Write a message that repeats everything that you have just said but add quotes from the replies that you have been getting.

I do tend to rephrase it, in slightly clearer terms.  Should it be repeated verbatim?

8. Send a private message to the moderator and tell them how you see it.

Done that.

9. You will now be banned!

Nope, still not banned.  What am I doing wrong?

If at first you don't succeed, stick it through a fuzzbox.