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Boss DR-110: Where are these resistors??

Started by Stuffersncaps, March 29, 2012, 09:43:55 PM

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I am messing around with a Boss DR-110, and prodding around, I cannot find where to put pots to control the clap noise filter, the snare noise filter, the snare filter, and the bass drum pitch.  Any ideas what numbers of resistors these might be?


Bass drum pitch is R64, and decay is R70, but they do interact with each other so the decay setting will change as you adjust the pitch.

Clap filter is R114

As for the snare, it kind of depends on what you call a certain effect, but as with most analogue snares, its actually made up from a oscillator blip with a burst of white noise on top of it. You can control the pitch of the oscillator with R76 and the level of the noise with R81. Changing the level of the noise has a very similar audio effect to using a low pass filter on the snare.
i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool