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chopped Roland D20

Started by lazydog, October 15, 2012, 11:10:08 AM

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ok, so i've picked up a D-20 with the keyboard chopped off,
put in a 'rack'(...) box, around 4u, and this thing is officially
'funky junk'! it sems to work fine, i'm just checking it over
finding out how it works. no more floppy drive, and it has
also lost the memory card slot - i have a card for it, so i'd
like to restore that, even as an extra internal bank.

so: any ideas for this? can anything be done with it?


Probably sticking the disk drive back on somewhere would help.  It's a bit of a shame though since it's basically a D110 made by ruining a quite useful and capable machine...
If at first you don't succeed, stick it through a fuzzbox.


cables are still there if i can get the right FDD. need to find the card adaptor.
these were binned by modder. i'm digging this so far. need to overwrite all
existing patches and see what it is. 8 parts and the drums are ok. you get a
saw/sqr x4 roland synth x 8 with ring/x-mod routings, and pcm waves and at
least one usable reverb setting. been looking closely at the internals and docs.
looks kinda cool standing 4u. value fader glitching a bit in multi mode but works
ok. filter not bad at all, very useable> do not think i'd use sequencer though.


ah: have found the memory card slot, it is on the mainboard. the modder
just hadn't bothered to cut out an opening for it :)

now i need to find out what type of floppy drive it uses (DD disks)

edit: chopping this thing was a stroke of genius: it isn't really like a D-110,
which doesn't have upper/lower splits/stacking, and doesn't have a 'value'
fader. it is much easier to edit all partials at once, a bit like having part of
the controller unit stuck on it; it only really lacks the invidual outputs.


ok, so i did get a D110  ;) they are cheap and abundant..
and it came with pg10, sort of got in there before the
price rush on those- and the 'copy partial' function..that's
a real headf*** and doesn't work like the D20, nor do you
hav the partial enable/mute button+display, which is a much
better editing method, resembling what's on the jv1080.
(how do you get d110 to do that?!)

what is saved to floppy? sequence data only, or voice data too?