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help sk-1

Started by sensor, July 17, 2008, 08:09:59 PM

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i made the auto power off mod. now i've got a problem. with the mod there is a ground noise. without the mod the sk-1 makes no sounds at all. has anybody an idea what the problem could be?
thanks a lot.



sorry i forgot to reclose the jumper... but the gnd noise is still there. if i touch the board the noise is much quieter.
has anybody an idea how to fix the problem?



well, i found the problem. it's the filter bypass mod. i used a switch to toggle the filter on and off. without the switch the sound is clear and with it there is the groundnoise. but i really like to switch the filter because sometimes it is useful and sometimes not.  so i thought about a shielded wire. do you think it would help?



Yes, I think a shielded wire would help. Conect the shield to a ground point on the circuit board, and the other end of the shield to the metal casing of the switch.

About the auto power off mod - does it really stop the keyboard shutting down, or just the analog part of the keyboard - after 10 minutes or so, if you hit a key, does the keyboard still play? I tried to crack the APO issue on my SK8 in a similar way, but when you do it, only the analog part of the keyboard stays on - it "looks" like it is still on, but when you hit a key - no sound! What happens is that although the analog part stays on, the processor goes to sleep. Just wondering if its the same on the SK1.

Cheers, Graham


it really works. i haven't touched the sk-1 for twenty minutes and then everything worked fine. it's a very useful and easy mod i think.
