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Commodore 64

Started by tablet, August 23, 2008, 02:22:53 PM

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Hello everyone I'm new at this forum and generally new at the DIY project..Basically I have "no idea" on DIY stuff.
The thing is that I just purchased a commodore 64.And I'm trying to find a way to make some mods on it to use it as a standalone sid synth.I know this can happen but I dont' have any tools or knowledge to make something like this.My question is if anybody knows someone(company or a single guy) who can make mods on a commodore 64 and can help me.

Thanks a lot!


You want some sort of cartridge with synthesizer software and possibly a MIDI port on it.  I've never really looked into this, but I'm sure they're out there...
If at first you don't succeed, stick it through a fuzzbox.


You can do a lot of things such as more sid chips for stereo midi ports ++++....Check this out!



I got my commodore tape player off ebay and a program called music master,

it effectiveley turns your c64 into a synth, but i havent hooked up midi yet, it looks expensive

(i bet its not, can someone give me some tips on hooking it up?)